Author: shyam

Ten years is a long time

Yearly Nifty and Defty Returns


When you look at the last 24 years of returns, the NIFTY gave negative returns for 8 years – 1/3rd of the time.

Holding period matters

The most frequent advice given to new equity investors is that they should at least have a 3-year horizon. The problem with this is that there have been 7 periods where cumulative 3-year returns have been negative or single digits. This sort of advice does nothing to mentally prepare the investor to stay disciplined.


In fact, dollar investors (NRIs, etc.) have had it rougher.


It is only when you look at 7-years and beyond that you start seeing the kind of returns that begin to make sense.



Long-term portfolio but short-term horizon

Very often, advisors set up portfolios looking at this:


Whereas the media is feeding the investor this:

CNX NIFTY.2015-07-15

Long-term investing works if you have the discipline to ignore portfolio returns over very long time horizons. But how many of us have the discipline to stay the course over decades?

Changes in Contract Size of Equity Derivatives

What happened

SEBI, in its infinite wisdom, concluded that retail investors are speculating too much with derivatives because exposures are too low. So they decided to increase the minimum exposure to Rs. 5 lakh per contract. You can read their press release in the appendix below.

Who is affected?

fo exposure

Anybody who trades naked derivatives will see their margin requirements go up. As you can see from the chart above, most of the exposures are below the new Rs. 5 lakh threshold. Lot-sizes of MRF, BOSCHLTD, EICHERMOT and PAGEIND will come down, but that is of little comfort.

What next?

For exposure margin, you can always buy a bond fund and pledge it with your broker. This way, your margin cash will earn something while it is with your broker.

Second, you can always use option strategies to execute the same view. For example, the total margin requirement to enter a trade in NIFTY futures is around Rs. 17,000/- right now. But when the new regulations kick in, it could go up 3x to 51,000/- Suppose you want to express a bullish view on the NIFTY, instead of buying a naked call or futures contract, you can enter a bull spread to lower the margin requirements.

Here are the numbers from the Zerodha SPAN calculator.

Nifty Futures:
nifty fut margin requirement
Nifty 8500/8600 Call Spread:
nifty call spread margin requirement

The bull spread has lower up-front margin requirements than the naked futures contract, with the added benefit of bounded profit and loss – resulting in lower mark-to-market margin requirements. Traders can use the pledge + spread strategy to bring down their net margin requirements.

Net effect

The net effect of the new regulation could be that naked positions in the futures markets may be replaced by strategies in the options market. The total risk in the system remains constant – like a water balloon, if you squeeze it in one place, it will pop out in another.

We expect retail futures trading volumes to drop and options volumes to pick up once these changes go into effect.


Using Momentum to Short Butterflies

Turning Momentum’s primary weakness into strength

The biggest problem with any trend-following strategy is sudden reversals in trend. This fits nicely into the biggest problem with selling butterflies – that the underlying stays where it is. One thing that momentum stocks guarantee is that they will move big.

Our earlier attempts at developing a mechanical short-call butterfly strategy for the NIFTY failed because there would be months when the NIFTY would just end flat for expire very close to where it started after bouncing all over the place. Let’s see if using single-stock options overcomes this problem.

A quick back-test

In order to hedge our bets, we consider only the top 3 and the bottom 3 stocks in our momentum universe. And then we apply a liquidity filter to ensure that we can actually carry out the trades. Trades are entered 10 days after expiry and held till expiry. No stop-loss is applied.

top mom butterfly
bottom mom butterfly
total mom butterfly


Using momentum to drive a short-call butterfly strategy holds promise. We have created a Theme for it – Shattered – to help traders access this strategy.

Short Butterflies with a Delayed Fuse

Delayed Entry

In our previous post, we saw how a mechanical expiry-to-expiry short-call NIFTY butterfly with a stop-loss significantly outperformed a non-stop-loss strategy. However, the odds that a stop-loss would be triggered was almost 50%.

In our introductory post on butterflies, we had noted how the strategy P&L gets “pulled” as we get closer to expiry. This implies that during the first half of the trade, the position sits idle. However, the underlying NIFTY index could have already made its move out of the wings and could be on its way back to the center. To avoid this, we can delay entry until, say, 10 days have passed since expiry.

Returns with stop-loss and delayed entry


short call nifty butterfly 10day delay
The odds of a stop-loss being hit remained the same. Even though the total return improved, when you look at the yearly rollups, the hit-rates are sub-par.


Although on the face of it, selling butterflies on the NIFTY sounds attractive – NIFTY is a volatile index and a rising NIFTY will make the moves required for a profitable trade lower – a mechanical backtest did not lead to a strategy that could be applied on an on-going basis.

Weekly Recap: The Side-Effect of Socialism



DAX(DEU) +2.33%
CAC(FRA) +1.97%
UKX(GBR) +1.33%
NKY(JPN) -3.70%
SPX(USA) -0.01%
JCI(IDN) -2.49%
INMEX(MEX) -0.35%
XU030(TUR) +2.04%
IBOV(BRA) -0.03%
SHCOMP(CHN) +5.18%
NIFTY(IND) -1.47%
TOP40(ZAF) -0.30%


WTI Crude Oil -4.88%
Brent Crude Oil -3.01%
Ethanol +1.60%
Heating Oil -3.34%
Natural Gas +0.11%
RBOB Gasoline +1.27%
Gold 100oz -0.63%
Palladium -4.98%
Copper -2.67%
Platinum -4.71%
Silver 5000oz +0.00%


USDEUR:-0.53% USDJPY:+0.00%

USDIDR(IDN) -0.04%
USDMXN(MEX) -0.03%
USDNGN(NGA) -0.75%
USDTRY(TUR) -0.90%
USDBRL(BRA) +0.72%
USDCNY(CHN) +0.06%
USDINR(IND) -0.06%
USDRUB(RUS) +0.93%
USDZAR(ZAF) +1.10%
Coffee (Robusta) +0.16%
Soybean Meal +2.27%
Soybeans -0.19%
Sugar #11 +0.98%
Wheat -2.13%
White Sugar +0.59%
Cattle -2.51%
Cocoa +1.16%
Coffee (Arabica) -2.38%
Cotton -2.92%
Feeder Cattle -2.73%
Orange Juice +3.84%
Corn +1.55%
Lean Hogs +0.03%
Lumber +2.32%

Credit Indices

Index Change
Markit CDX EM -0.81%
Markit CDX NA HY -0.81%
Markit CDX NA IG +5.25%
Markit iTraxx Asia ex-Japan IG +11.27%
Markit iTraxx Australia +11.48%
Markit iTraxx Europe +7.27%
Markit iTraxx Europe Crossover +23.03%
Markit iTraxx Japan +7.04%
Markit iTraxx SovX Western Europe +2.68%
Markit LCDX (Loan CDS) +0.02%
Markit MCDX (Municipal CDS) +1.76%
I think the market has had enough of Greece and China. The next few weeks are going to be all about earnings and how badly companies are going to disappoint investors…

Index Returns

For a deeper dive into indices, check out our weekly Index Update.

Market Cap Decile Performance

Decile Mkt. Cap. Adv/Decl
1 (micro) +7.34% 77/57
2 +6.18% 79/54
3 +7.31% 77/57
4 +5.66% 77/56
5 +4.21% 74/59
6 +2.25% 67/67
7 +1.04% 71/62
8 +1.12% 73/61
9 +0.60% 63/70
10 (mega) -1.05% 76/58
Large caps bled but midcaps seemed to buck the trend…

Top Winners and Losers

RCOM +5.37%
VEDL -14.28%
CAIRN -7.86%
Tata Motors got pummelled by China worries.

ETF Performance

CPSEETF -1.82%
Who is buying PSU banks?

Yield Curve


Thought for the weekend

The absence of free markets leads to competition for the market, which leads to competition for political office, which leads to the corruption of politics. That’s the basic story of crony capitalism — a side-effect of socialism.

Source: Socialism, Competition and Politicians