Author: shyam

Monthly Recap: The Dornbusch Rule



DAX(DEU) -0.85%
CAC(FRA) -0.02%
UKX(GBR) -3.65%
NKY(JPN) +1.31%
SPX(USA) -2.59%
JCI(IDN) -2.71%
INMEX(MEX) -3.01%
XU030(TUR) -9.13%
IBOV(BRA) -12.62%
SHCOMP(CHN) +7.65%
NIFTY(IND) -0.11%
TOP40(ZAF) -4.71%


Brent Crude Oil -8.29%
Ethanol -29.94%
Heating Oil -6.66%
Natural Gas -0.50%
RBOB Gasoline -11.26%
WTI Crude Oil -4.06%
Copper -2.88%
Gold 100oz -5.36%
Palladium -12.55%
Platinum -9.38%
Silver 5000oz -11.79%


USDEUR:+4.31% USDJPY:+4.88%

USDIDR(IDN) +3.95%
USDMXN(MEX) +2.62%
USDNGN(NGA) +0.68%
USDTRY(TUR) +5.38%
USDBRL(BRA) +10.67%
USDCNY(CHN) -0.09%
USDINR(IND) +1.81%
USDRUB(RUS) +7.69%
USDZAR(ZAF) +5.42%
Cattle +5.29%
Cocoa -2.17%
Coffee (Arabica) +3.51%
Coffee (Robusta) +0.79%
Corn -11.13%
Cotton -5.74%
Feeder Cattle +10.07%
Lean Hogs +11.64%
Lumber -1.12%
Orange Juice -4.42%
Soybean Meal -29.19%
Soybeans -14.56%
Sugar #11 +2.75%
Wheat -13.09%
White Sugar -1.74%

Credit Indices

Index Change
Markit CDX EM +0.26%
Markit CDX NA HY -2.12%
Markit CDX NA IG +8.12%
Markit CDX NA IG HVOL +19.25%
Markit iTraxx Asia ex-Japan IG -1.49%
Markit iTraxx Australia +2.66%
Markit iTraxx Europe +5.79%
Markit iTraxx Europe Crossover +28.88%
Markit iTraxx Japan -3.93%
Markit iTraxx SovX Western Europe -3.01%
Markit LCDX (Loan CDS) -0.07%
Markit MCDX (Municipal CDS) +11.80%
A US interest rates normalize, money that was sloshing about in frontier/emerging markets tends to flow back home. The US Dollar rallies, EM equities and credit wobble and commodities crash. Here’s to hoping that ZIRP stays on for a few more years and the ECB embarks on QE to pick up where the Fed left-off.

Index Performance

index performance.2014-08-28.2014-9-30

Sector Performance

sector performance.2014-08-28.2014-9-30

Market Cap Decile Performance

Decile Mkt. Cap. Adv/Decl
1 (micro) +4.17% 79/58
2 +11.38% 77/59
3 +9.65% 78/59
4 +6.86% 78/59
5 +7.74% 78/58
6 +4.69% 78/60
7 +6.04% 74/63
8 +2.70% 72/65
9 +2.14% 66/71
10 (mega) +0.75% 66/72
In spite of market jitters towards the end of September, small and mid-caps managed to come out way ahead of the large caps…

Top Winners and Losers

ZEEL +14.78%
DIVISLAB +15.06%
CIPLA +21.90%
BHEL -16.79%
So much for the recovery trade. The market re-discovered FMCG, Pharma and IT…


CPSEETF -2.70%
Gold turning out to be terrible investment…

Yield Curve

The whole curve shifted down… lower inflation and rate-cut expectations can do that. But the curve might get steeper, given Rajan’s 6% inflation target for 2016.

yield Curve.2014-08-28.2014-9-30

Bond Indices

Sub Index Change in YTM Total Return(%)
GSEC TB -0.05 +0.76%
GSEC SUB 1-3 +0.09 +0.68%
GSEC SUB 3-8 +0.27 -0.16%
GSEC SUB 8 +0.04 +0.17%
No big moves…

Interbank Lending


Theme Performance

Has been a good month for most investment strategies. However, high beta continued to get pummeled.

Thought to sum up the month

The Dornbusch Rule:

The Dornbusch rule is that your calculations of fundamentals may be accurate, and you may have high confidence in them, but nothing requires that the market has to have high confidence in your beliefs about fundamentals. Thus markets can remain far away from equilibrium for far longer than you, who understand and are dazzled by your analytical insights, think possible.

As the spouse of one senior hedge-fund official put it: your theory of the world is that the market is inefficient when you put a trade on but will rapidly become efficient thereafter — where “rapidly” means “before your clients lose their patience with you”.

Source: PIMCO: How to Lose (Lots of) Money and Still Influence People

Weekly Recap: We Are All Charlatans!



DAX(DEU) -1.14%
CAC(FRA) -0.67%
UKX(GBR) -1.38%
NKY(JPN) -2.68%
SPX(USA) -1.69%
JCI(IDN) -1.65%
INMEX(MEX) -0.89%
XU030(TUR) -0.78%
IBOV(BRA) -7.82%
SHCOMP(CHN) +0.69%
NIFTY(IND) -0.29%
TOP40(ZAF) -1.86%


Brent Crude Oil -3.03%
Ethanol -2.97%
Heating Oil -1.53%
Natural Gas +1.03%
RBOB Gasoline -7.99%
WTI Crude Oil -2.79%
Copper +0.00%
Gold 100oz -0.16%
Palladium +0.80%
Platinum -0.69%
Silver 5000oz -1.15%


USDEUR:+0.22% USDJPY:-0.59%

USDIDR(IDN) +1.02%
USDMXN(MEX) -0.07%
USDNGN(NGA) -0.37%
USDTRY(TUR) +0.71%
USDBRL(BRA) +2.67%
USDCNY(CHN) +0.22%
USDINR(IND) +0.74%
USDRUB(RUS) +1.33%
USDZAR(ZAF) -0.05%
Cattle +2.83%
Cocoa -4.47%
Coffee (Arabica) +8.16%
Coffee (Robusta) +5.12%
Corn -0.54%
Cotton -1.32%
Feeder Cattle +3.22%
Lean Hogs +0.54%
Lumber +5.46%
Orange Juice +0.35%
Soybean Meal -0.72%
Soybeans +0.96%
Sugar #11 +3.35%
Wheat +1.74%
White Sugar -2.27%

Credit Indices

Index Change
Markit CDX EM -1.00%
Markit CDX NA HY -0.63%
Markit CDX NA IG +5.15%
Markit CDX NA IG HVOL +10.77%
Markit iTraxx Asia ex-Japan IG +6.34%
Markit iTraxx Australia +3.53%
Markit iTraxx Europe +5.31%
Markit iTraxx Europe Crossover +15.46%
Markit iTraxx Japan +2.44%
Markit iTraxx SovX Western Europe +1.45%
Markit LCDX (Loan CDS) -0.06%
Markit MCDX (Municipal CDS) +6.13%
Rate sensitives took a dive. Credit spreads widened across the board. The dollar continued to strengthen. Indian IT and pharma continued to rally…

Nifty Heatmap

CNX NIFTY.2014-09-26.2014-10-01

Index Returns

index performance.2014-09-26.2014-10-01

Sector Performance

sector performance.2014-09-26.2014-10-01

Advance Decline


Market Cap Decile Performance

Decile Mkt. Cap. Adv/Decl
1 (micro) -4.54% 76/59
2 +1.48% 74/61
3 +1.06% 71/65
4 +0.99% 66/68
5 +2.01% 70/65
6 -0.04% 70/65
7 +1.61% 71/64
8 +1.52% 72/63
9 +0.52% 64/71
10 (mega) -0.11% 65/71
Small and Mid-caps bounced back while Mega-caps remained under pressure.

Top Winners and Losers

COLPAL +5.87%
DLF -7.47%
RBI’s steadfast focus on inflation means we are in a holding pattern on rates. Whatever hopium that real-estate and banks were smoking is quickly fading away…


CPSEETF -0.89%
Gold is getting totally pummeled by a rising US Dollar…

Gold Since 2008

Goldman - Gold ETF

Yield Curve

yield Curve.2014-09-26.2014-10-01

Bond Indices

Sub Index Change in YTM Total Return(%)
GSEC TB -0.10 +0.14%
GSEC SUB 1-3 +0.02 +0.20%
GSEC SUB 3-8 +0.09 -0.17%
GSEC SUB 8 +0.21 -1.57%
Is this the start of the curve getting steeper?

Nifty OI


Bank Nifty OI


Theme Performance

Thought for the weekend

We all make forecasts about the future. All of our portfolios are constructed by making forecasts and implicit assumptions about how certain asset class weightings will help us achieve our financial goals.

Of course, the future is extremely difficult to forecast. We don’t deal in certainties in life. We deal in probabilities.

Constructing a portfolio is a lot like forecasting the weather where you want to get married. You pick a place where it likely won’t rain, a time of year where it doesn’t rain much and then you cross your fingers and hope that your probabilistic forecast was smart. But you don’t just go and get married anywhere in the world just because the weather is difficult to predict.

Source: We Are All Charlatans!

Weekly Recap: Wiener’s Laws



DAX(DEU) -3.15%
CAC(FRA) -1.49%
UKX(GBR) -2.76%
NKY(JPN) -0.56%
SPX(USA) -1.37%
JCI(IDN) -1.82%
INMEX(MEX) -1.86%
XU030(TUR) -3.28%
IBOV(BRA) -1.55%
SHCOMP(CHN) +0.78%
NIFTY(IND) -1.88%
TOP40(ZAF) -3.59%


Brent Crude Oil -0.96%
Ethanol -5.53%
Heating Oil -0.32%
Natural Gas +4.81%
RBOB Gasoline +2.21%
WTI Crude Oil +1.35%
Copper -1.62%
Gold 100oz +0.03%
Palladium -3.99%
Platinum -2.64%
Silver 5000oz -2.23%


USDEUR:+1.21% USDJPY:+0.30%

USDIDR(IDN) +0.65%
USDMXN(MEX) +1.59%
USDNGN(NGA) +0.35%
USDTRY(TUR) +1.23%
USDBRL(BRA) +1.60%
USDCNY(CHN) -0.23%
USDINR(IND) +0.54%
USDRUB(RUS) +1.93%
USDZAR(ZAF) +1.31%
Cattle +1.71%
Cocoa +0.85%
Coffee (Arabica) +3.76%
Coffee (Robusta) +1.24%
Corn -2.56%
Cotton -3.36%
Feeder Cattle +1.22%
Lean Hogs +0.71%
Lumber -0.40%
Orange Juice +0.70%
Soybean Meal -5.19%
Soybeans -4.96%
Sugar #11 +14.81%
Wheat +0.11%
White Sugar +4.54%

Credit Indices

Index Change
Markit CDX EM +0.47%
Markit CDX NA HY -0.62%
Markit CDX NA IG +2.16%
Markit CDX NA IG HVOL +4.37%
Markit iTraxx Asia ex-Japan IG +2.42%
Markit iTraxx Australia +3.32%
Markit iTraxx Europe +1.58%
Markit iTraxx Europe Crossover +10.58%
Markit iTraxx Japan +2.76%
Markit iTraxx SovX Western Europe -1.81%
Markit LCDX (Loan CDS) -0.04%
Markit MCDX (Municipal CDS) +1.93%
The dollar rally continued and most equity markets ended the week in the red. It took S&P’s pat on the head for the Indian markets to post a decent number on the board. Things could have been much worse if not for that. This may not be “taper tantrum” but as the US embarks on tighter monetary policy, capital has a tendency to flee frontier/emerging markets.

Nifty Heatmap

CNX NIFTY.2014-09-19.2014-09-26

Index Returns

index performance.2014-09-19.2014-09-26

Sector Performance

sector performance.2014-09-19.2014-09-26

Advance Decline


Market Cap Decile Performance

Decile Mkt. Cap. Adv/Decl
1 (micro) -10.46% 62/80
2 -6.95% 63/79
3 -7.08% 57/85
4 -6.95% 54/88
5 -6.63% 49/93
6 -5.12% 62/80
7 -6.80% 54/88
8 -6.25% 63/79
9 -5.39% 65/77
10 (mega) -2.06% 69/73
Midcaps and Smallcaps bled out. The Nifty maybe down 1.88% but just look at the rest of the market…

Top Winners and Losers

ITC +3.42%
GSKCONS +5.25%
GLAXO +8.18%
OFSS -15.09%
Flight to safety? OFSS doesn’t count because it paid out a dividend of Rs 485/- per share… JSPL got dinged because of the coal verdict…


CPSEETF -0.40%
WTF?! All ETFs in the red?

Yield Curve

yield Curve.2014-09-19.2014-09-26

Bond Indices

Sub Index Change in YTM Total Return(%)
GSEC TB +0.01 +0.15%
GSEC SUB 1-3 +0.02 +0.29%
GSEC SUB 3-8 -0.19 +0.66%
GSEC SUB 8 -0.35 +2.52%
Long end of the curve is probably over-bought at this point… But then again, falling inflation and an expectation of rate-cuts will do that.

Nifty OI


Bank Nifty OI


Theme Performance

Thought for the weekend

To make planes safer these days, engineers have designed automated systems that basically allow the planes to fly themselves. An unintended consequence of increased safety for the plane is increased complexity for the pilots. Industry experts have warned of the side effects that can arise from this increased complexity for a number of years now. One of the cautionary voices was that of an engineer named Earl Wiener. Here’s “Wiener’s Laws” adapted to the financial markets:

Every device creates its own opportunity for human error.
Any financial model is only as good as the person or team using it.

Exotic devices create exotic problems.
Complex strategies can create unforeseen complications.

Digital devices tune out small errors while creating opportunities for large errors.
Risk comes in many forms and some models can lead to a false sense of security if you’re not aware of the imbedded risks.

Some problems have no solution.
You have to choose which form of risk you want to deal with, risk now or risk in the future.

It takes an airplane to bring out the worst in a pilot.
Financial markets magnify bad behavior in even some of the most intelligent people.

Whenever you solve a problem, you usually create one. You can only hope that the one you created is less critical than the one you eliminated.
There’s no such thing a perfect portfolio or process. Every strategy involves trade-offs.

When Exotic Devices Create Exotic Problems
The Human Factor

Long-term Gilt Funds

With the consensus on RBI rate cuts beginning next year, investors have been lapping up long-term government bonds (gsecs or gilts, if you wish.) The long-end has been bid so hard that the yield curve is flat as a pancake.


GSec Total Return Indices have tracked this, except for the hiccup back in May last year.








May’13 was a rude reminder to investors who thought that you cannot lose money investing in government bonds. You can. Investors in the long-end of the curve are yet to recover from the drawdown last year.

gsec draws

Should you expect actively managed gilt funds to do better?

UTI – GILT ADVANTAGE vs. ICICI Prudential Long Term Gilt

UTI’s fund has a much shorter duration compared to ICICI’s (4.1 vs. 7.35 years.) And the returns that the funds have posted exemplify the importance of incorporating the fund portfolio’s duration into your decision making.

Since 2012-01-05, UTI – GILT ADVANTAGE-LONG TERM has returned a cumulative 24.59% vs. ICICI Prudential Long Term Gilt Fund’s cumulative return of 20.16%.

UTI – GILT ADVANTAGE vs. Birla Sun Life Gilt Plus

Since 2012-01-05, UTI – GILT ADVANTAGE has returned a cumulative 24.59% vs. Birla Sun Life Gilt Plus’s cumulative return of 14.79%. And BSL’s fund is yet to recover from the May’13 drawdown.

birla gilt drawdown

UTI – GILT ADVANTAGE vs. HDFC Gilt Fund-Long Term

Since 2012-01-05, UTI – GILT ADVANTAGE has returned a cumulative 24.59% vs. HDFC Gilt Fund-Long Term’s cumulative return of 22.01%. Of the three funds we compared, this is the closest any gilt fund has come to matching UTI’s returns.


Since 2012-01-05, UTI – GILT ADVANTAGE-LONG TERM has returned a cumulative 24.59% vs. GSEC SUB 3-8’s cumulative return of 18.55%. The fund beat the sub-index hands-down.


It looks like the UTI Gilt Advantage fund is a well managed fund that has beat its peers and benchmarks. But as the standard disclaimer reads, “past performance does not necessarily predict future results.”

You can run the comparison tool here: FundCompare

Please don’t treat the information here as investment advice.
If you want advice on investing in mutual funds, please get in touch with Shyam.
You can either WhatsApp him or call him at 080-2665-0232.
He is an AMFI registered IFA who can advice you on HDFC, ICICI Pru, UTI and Birla Sun Life funds.

Are Index Funds trying to beat the Index?

Ideally, Index Funds should just track an index. Its the holy-grail of passive indexing – don’t try to be smart picking stocks, just invest in an index tracking fund and let the market work for you. Index Funds are supposed to only focus on reducing tracking error and fees. The NIFTYBEES ETF does the job pretty well:


Since 2005-01-03, Goldman – Nifty ETF has returned a cumulative 275.22% vs. CNX NIFTY’s cumulative return of 278.36%. Chalk up the difference to asset management fees. But the story with Index Funds offered by leading AMCs is a head scratcher.

IDFC Nifty Fund

Since 2010-05-03, IDFC Nifty Fund-Regular Plan-Growth has returned a cumulative 61.17% vs. CNX NIFTY’s cumulative return of 51.62%.

IDFC nifty

LIC NOMURA MF Nifty Index Fund

Since 2010-01-04, LIC NOMURA MF Index Fund-Nifty-Growth has returned a cumulative 54.78% vs. CNX NIFTY’s cumulative return of 52.95%.

lic nifty

Taurus Nifty Index Fund

Since 2010-06-21, Taurus Nifty Index Fund – Growth Option has returned a cumulative 46.82% vs. CNX NIFTY’s cumulative return of 52.06%. Oops!

taurus nifty


Since 2010-06-30, IDBI NIFTY Index Fund Growth has returned a cumulative 49.48% vs. CNX NIFTY’s cumulative return of 52.25%.

IDBI Nifty


If the NIFTYBEES ETF can track the index with a 0.09% tracking error and an expense ratio of 0.5%, why would anybody invest in any of the NIFTY Index Funds?

You can run the comparison tool here: FundCompare

Please don’t treat the information here as investment advice.
If you want advice on investing in mutual funds, please get in touch with Shyam.
You can either WhatsApp him or call him at 080-2665-0232.
He is an AMFI registered IFA who can advice you on HDFC, ICICI Pru, UTI and Birla Sun Life funds.