Author: shyam

Weekly Recap: May Day



DAX(DEU) -3.02%
CAC(FRA) -2.98%
UKX(GBR) -1.20%
NKY(JPN) -2.44%
SPX(USA) -0.49%
JCI(IDN) -6.42%
INMEX(MEX) -1.97%
XU030(TUR) -1.90%
IBOV(BRA) -0.74%
SHCOMP(CHN) +1.09%
NIFTY(IND) -1.49%
TOP40(ZAF) -1.57%


Heating Oil +3.51%
Ethanol -0.06%
Brent Crude Oil +2.61%
Natural Gas +9.66%
RBOB Gasoline +2.36%
WTI Crude Oil +3.93%
Gold 100oz +0.07%
Palladium +0.62%
Copper +6.91%
Platinum +0.85%
Silver 5000oz +1.90%


USDEUR:-2.96% USDJPY:+1.06%

USDIDR(IDN) +0.20%
USDMXN(MEX) +1.01%
USDNGN(NGA) -0.26%
USDTRY(TUR) -0.40%
USDBRL(BRA) +1.68%
USDCNY(CHN) +0.14%
USDINR(IND) -0.22%
USDRUB(RUS) +1.76%
USDZAR(ZAF) -0.36%
Cocoa +0.61%
Coffee (Arabica) -7.30%
Coffee (Robusta) -3.84%
Cotton +1.74%
Cattle -7.32%
Lean Hogs +6.12%
Lumber -1.59%
Orange Juice -0.83%
Soybeans -0.05%
Sugar #11 -1.75%
Feeder Cattle -0.68%
Wheat -3.04%
White Sugar -0.35%
Corn -1.17%
Soybean Meal +0.13%

Credit Indices

Index Change
Markit CDX EM -0.13%
Markit CDX NA HY -0.15%
Markit CDX NA IG +1.38%
Markit iTraxx Asia ex-Japan IG -0.23%
Markit iTraxx Australia +0.03%
Markit iTraxx Europe +0.76%
Markit iTraxx Europe Crossover +7.53%
Markit iTraxx Japan +0.72%
Markit iTraxx SovX Western Europe -0.02%
Markit LCDX (Loan CDS) +0.00%
Markit MCDX (Municipal CDS) -0.41%
Are world markets prepping for “sell in May and go away?”

Nifty Heatmap

CNX NIFTY.2015-04-24.2015-04-30

Index Returns

For a deeper dive into indices, check out our weekly Index Update.
index performance.2015-04-24.2015-04-30

Sector Performance

sector performance.2015-04-24.2015-04-30

Advance Decline


Market Cap Decile Performance

Decile Mkt. Cap. Adv/Decl
1 -8.22% 64/68
2 -5.11% 56/75
3 -5.87% 50/81
4 -3.93% 57/74
5 -4.40% 62/69
6 -3.90% 61/70
7 -3.51% 56/75
8 -4.70% 64/67
9 -4.26% 59/72
10 -1.21% 70/62
An ocean of red, nary a green in sight…

Top Winners and Losers

SIEMENS +10.80%
UPL +12.87%
UBL -12.70%
ITC -7.36%
What’s next for ITC?

ETF Performance

CPSEETF -2.27%
Have banks found a bottom?

Yield Curve

yield Curve.2015-04-24.2015-04-30

Bond Indices

Sub Index Change in YTM Total Return(%)
GSEC TB -0.18 +0.18%
GSEC SUB 1-3 -0.04 +0.34%
GSEC SUB 3-8 -0.00 +0.26%
GSEC SUB 8 +0.02 +0.12%
Rates went down a smidgen…

Investment Theme Performance

Magic Formula turned into Tragic Formula thanks to the cliff dive in KPIT stock. But the specks of green may be indicating that the current correction is on its last legs…

Equity Mutual Funds

Bond Mutual Funds

Thought for the weekend

The issue of inequality has never been about the fairness of the results, but should focus on the equality of opportunity.

The neo-classical solutions that the markets will take care of everything risks the kind of social instability seen in places like Ferguson, Baltimore, or worse.

You can use comparative advantages, such as low labor costs and convenient geographic proximity to markets, to spur development. But the Porter-Jacobs framework doesn’t explain why India and China succeeded and Kenya and Egypt didn’t.

You are left with culture: both the Jews and the Romani (Gypsies) have historically been outcasts in Europe. How did one group succeed and acquire power (e.g., the Rothchilds) and the other remains shunned throughout the region?

Source: May Day thoughts on inequality (and development)

Gaps and the Pre-Open Call Auction


You should not treat opening prices before and after October 18, 2010 the same.

Call Auction in the pre-open session

If you don’t know how the pre-open session works, here’s a good explainer from BSE:

When you run back-tests that use the opening price, this change will most likely trip you up.

Before and after

Nifty opening gaps since 2000:


Notice the shift in the median before and after the auction was introduced (all figures in %):
gap summary

CNX NIFTY.hist.2

CNX NIFTY.hist.3


CNX NIFTY.hist.4


One way to make the opening prices comparable is to take tick-level data and compute a synthetic opening price yourself, just like how the closing price in computed. And you can use this synthetic open across your entire data set.

Otherwise, you will have to take you back-test results with a healthy dose of skepticism and make sure that there is enough room in your analysis to account for this.

Long-Short Trend Following

Prior Work

We had discussed the SMA On/Off Switch and its ability to escape the worst days. Based on this finding, we setup a Tactical Theme that would go long NIFTYBEES and JUNIORBEES if the CNX 100 index is trading above its 50-day SMA and move into LIQUIDBEES otherwise.

What if, we could go long and short?

Naive Long-Short

Here’s how going long above 50-DMA and short below 50-DMA on the CNX 100 since 2001 compares:

CNX 100.02-Jan-2007.28-Apr-2015.long.short
Long-Short SMA (black), Long-Only SMA (red) and Buy & Hold (green)

It looks like going both long and short is not significantly better than a long-only tactical strategy.

Long-Short with Volatility

But what if, we add a volatility metric into the mix? The logic here is that corrections are preceded by a bout of volatility. So if you go short if either or the volatility signal or the 50-DMA indicates a negative bias and long otherwise:

CNX 100.02-Jan-2007.28-Apr-2015.long.short.volatility
Long-Short SMA w/ Volatility (black), Long-Only SMA w/ Volatility (red), Long-Only SMA (green) and Buy & Hold (blue)

It looks like there is significant alpha in the combination approach.


NIFTY returns since 2001:
CNX NIFTY.01-Jan-2001.28-Apr-2015.long.short.volatility

And the same for the BANK NIFTY since 2006:

CNX BANK.12-Jan-2006.28-Apr-2015.long.short.volatility

NIFTY and BANKNIFTY since 2011:

CNX NIFTY.03-Jan-2011.28-Apr-2015.long.short.volatility

CNX BANK.03-Jan-2011.28-Apr-2015.long.short.volatility

NIFTY and BANKNIFTY since 2013:

CNX NIFTY.01-Jan-2013.28-Apr-2015.long.short.volatility

CNX BANK.01-Jan-2013.28-Apr-2015.long.short.volatility
Long-Short Combo (black), Long-Only Combo (red), Long-Only Tactical (green) and Buy & Hold (blue)


It appears that there is long-term alpha in using a combination of volatility and 50-DMA to implement a long-short strategy. To put this to test using real-time data, we have created a theme to make it easy for you to follow along: Trend Long-Short.

Analyzing the Analysts

When we analyzed the price targets of various research analysts for last year, this is what we found:

Most ‘BUY’ ratings were on stocks that had already gone up significantly. The previous 100-day returns before a ‘BUY’ was announced were +23.29% (mean) and +21.49% (median). The next 100-day returns of the same set of stocks were +18.24% (mean) / +17.98% (median.)

For stocks rated ‘SELL’, the previous 100-day returns were +16.93%/+18.47% (mean/median). And they ended up under-performing the ‘BUY’ pool of stocks: +12.50%/+14.14%. But only a brave soul would have gone short in 2014. Even the next 5-day returns for ‘SELL’ rated stocks were +1.22%/0.77%.

One can be excused for thinking that analysts were just chasing momentum, given the above summaries.

BUY’s did not seem to have a dominant short-term effect:
5-day : +0.97%/+0.76%
20-day: +3.78%/+2.90%
50-day: +11.03%/+11.40%

On an average, they did out-perform the CNX 100 index. Next 100-day CNX 100 returns:
BUYs: +12.33%/+11.67%
SELLs: +13.23%/+12.04%

Out of the 718 ratings we analyzed for the year 2014, 565 (~79%) were BUYs and 12.25% were SELLs.

It will be interesting to see how they do this year.

You can download the data here.

Macro Update 25.04.2015

US Treasuries vs. Gilt Spread

The spread between 10yr US Treasuries and Indian Gilts have widened over the last couple of months…


Institutional Investments

… probably because FPIs were net sellers of debt so far this month. But foreign flows had slowed down in April last year as well, so not sure if this is a seasonal thing.


But Domestic institutional investors are in position to pick up the slack if the April swoon leads to a longer lull.



Fall in global oil prices were a tail-wind last year. But is the tide about to turn? Oil has been inching up since its January lows.

wti-brent crude oil


The fate of Gold is going to be decided by Janet Yellen. Rising rates are no friends of precious metals.


And Gold in Indian Rupees are back at Jan 2013 levels.


If US rates go up, will the Rupee see 64? INR has been steadily losing ground to the dollar over the last year.


The Dollar Index (DXY) has shot up like a rocket this year. One can argue that INR has actually appreciated against other currencies.

DXY - Dollar Index


Rising oil prices and the US dollar, combined with a sense of disappointment on the reforms front could flat-line markets. Poor monsoons could put further pressure on the inflation front, and not to mention the government balance-sheet as it would be forced to provide relief to drought-stricken farmers. Bulls do not have much to go on at this point given that valuations are stretched and the current earnings season has been a disappointment so far.