Textile, Metals, Chemicals, Paper and Energy Quality to Price
The Quality to Price on Textile, Metals, Chemicals, Paper and Energy stocks

This theme consists of an equally weighted portfolio of Textile, Metals, Chemicals, Paper and Energy stocks that are ranked high on the Quality to Price metric.

This model was created on 2014-Sep-14 and was last updated on 2014-Sep-15

Cumulative Returns
lookback (days) theme nifty 50 midcap 100
{{item.LB === 2147483647 ? 'inception' : item.LB}}
{{numeral(selectedReturnType === 'gross' ? item.MODEL : item.MODEL_BRK).format('+,.00%')}}
risk-free rate: 2.5%; MAR: 0%; benchmark: NIFTY 50
symbol weightage
From Trough To Depth Length To Trough Recovery
{{dd.FROM_DT ? moment(dd.FROM_DT).format('YYYY-MMM-DD') : '-'}} {{dd.TROUGH_DT ? moment(dd.TROUGH_DT).format('YYYY-MMM-DD') : '-'}} {{dd.TO_DT ? moment(dd.TO_DT).format('YYYY-MMM-DD') : '-'}} {{numeral(dd.DEPTH).format('#,0.00%')}} {{dd.LENGTH}} {{dd.TROUGH}} {{dd.RECOVERY}}
Strategy vs. NIFTY 50 and MIDCAP 100
Returns through time
Returns & Portfolio Turnover