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Location: 14, VR Layout, JP Nagar 1st Phase, Bangalore – 560078
Call or WhatsApp us: +91-80-26650232
Email us: info@stockviz.biz

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About Us

Our Mission

The StockViz mission is to make modern investment practices and systems affordable to the average Indian investor to help people trade and invest better.


shyamShyam Sunder has over 10 years of experience in investment management, analysis and algorithmic trading. He worked at Merrill Lynch as a trader on their ABS CDS desk in New York. Having had to build his own tools specific to the Indian market to help manage his investments better, he founded StockViz to bring those tools to a wider investor base.

Dipanshu picCol Dipanshu Sinha, SM took premature retirement from the Indian Army as a Colonel in the Assam Regiment. Initially specialising as an Army Aviator, he has subsequently served with distinction in frontline infantry roles and has substantial experience in counter-insurgency operations earning his stripes with multiple tours of duty in Kashmir and various appointments in command and staff roles. A graduate of the Defence Services Staff College, Wellington, throughout his career he felt the absence of financial and tax planning information which was accentuated by peculiar service conditions and limited exposure to money management skills training in the regular professional courses. He has been one of the driving forces behind the conceptualisation and establishment of Stockviz and is a co-founder. Dipanshu is responsible for managing day-to-day operations, strategic planning, business development and oversight and policy advice for the firm’s investment activities.

Trading Services

We offer trade execution services through Composite Investments. Open a Demat account through StockViz and experience the difference!