Author: shyam

Forensics: NIFTY Options – Theta(θ) Decay

The most intuitive option greek is theta (θ) – a measurement of the option’s time decay. Theta measures the rate at which options lose their time value, as the expiration date draws nearer. It is usually expressed as a negative number.

Simply put, theta of an option reflects the amount by which the option’s value will decrease every day.

Time and Theta

  1. Longer term options have theta of almost 0 as they do not lose value on a daily basis.
  2. Theta is higher for shorter term options.
  3. Theta is higher for at-the-money options.
  4. Theta changes at an exponential rate. It goes up dramatically as options near expiration as time decay is at its greatest during that period.

Theta decay in action: March 2014 NIFTY Options Since Jan

First, lets look at the underlying:


To capture the full move of the NIFTY, you’ll have to look at, at least, a dozen strikes between 5950 and 6900.

θ of Calls:

March 2014 NIFTY Theta (CE)

θ of Puts:

March 2014 NIFTY Theta (PE)

Does it mean that you should go out and sell the heck out of every option you can find close to expiry?
No! As expiration gets closer, the risk posed by extreme amounts of gamma outweighs the theta you’re collecting.
Stay tuned for more.

Forensics: NIFTY Options

Charting options is a tough task. The price of the option is probably the last thing that is important. Implied volatility (IV), underlying volatility (σ) and option greeks play a big part in putting on successful option trades. We ran a tool that we developed on ATM Nifty options that tries to capture most of these moving parts.

2013-01-31 Nifty Call Analysis


  • Theta (θ) declines.
  • Vega declines.
  • Rho converges to zero.
  • Call Delta is, on an average, around 0.54 (std. dev. of 0.075)
  • Call IV has been stable and decreasing since January this year: (0.150260, 0.149456, 0.147249, 0.136280)

Nifty Call Delta and IV

Nifty Put Delta and IV

March 2014 charts



Pictures say a thousand words, don’t they? Stay tuned for more.

Weekly Recap: The Answer


world equity indices 2014-04-04.2014-04-11

The Nifty ended the week +1.22% (+1.32% in USD terms.)

DAX(DEU) -3.92%
CAC(FRA) -2.65%
UKX(GBR) -2.00%
NKY(JPN) -7.33%
SPX(USA) -2.90%
JCI(IDN) -0.85%
INMEX(MEX) -1.16%
XU030(TUR) -0.21%
IBOV(BRA) +1.21%
SHCOMP(CHN) +3.48%
NIFTY(IND) +1.22%
TOP40(ZAF) -0.97%


Brent Crude Oil +0.78%
Ethanol -1.58%
Heating Oil +1.01%
Natural Gas +4.19%
RBOB Gasoline +2.62%
WTI Crude Oil +2.23%
Copper +0.99%
Gold 100oz +1.21%
Palladium +2.21%
Platinum +0.59%
Silver 5000oz +0.50%


USDEUR:-1.34% USDJPY:-1.60%

USDIDR(IDN) +0.86%
USDMXN(MEX) +0.03%
USDNGN(NGA) -1.96%
USDTRY(TUR) +0.05%
USDBRL(BRA) -0.98%
USDCNY(CHN) -0.03%
USDINR(IND) +0.15%
USDRUB(RUS) +1.05%
USDZAR(ZAF) -0.34%
Cattle +1.26%
Cocoa +0.16%
Coffee (Arabica) +8.19%
Coffee (Robusta) +2.44%
Corn -0.85%
Cotton -2.90%
Feeder Cattle +0.98%
Lean Hogs +1.65%
Lumber -0.30%
Orange Juice +6.93%
Soybean Meal -1.05%
Soybeans -0.61%
Sugar #11 -2.66%
Wheat -1.57%
White Sugar -6.14%

Nifty Heatmap

CNX NIFTY heatmap 2014-04-04.2014-04-11

Index Returns

index performance 2014-04-04.2014-04-11

Top Winners and Losers

ADANIENT +17.88%
TECHM -4.06%
The recovery trade in full swing…


PSU Banks and mid-caps rallied. Will infrastructure be next?

Investment Theme Performance

High Beta rallied. Defensives got pummeled.

Sector Performance

sector performance 2014-04-04.2014-04-11

Yield Curve

yield Curve 2014-04-04.2014-04-11

Thought for the weekend

Almost everything about superior investing is a two edged sword. You have to be able to recognize the regime shifts and deploy the right combination of models out of your toolkit accordingly. The worst mistakes often come from being too smart for your own good, especially when putting too much trust in your experience, perspective and instincts.

Source: The answer is that there is no answer

The answer is that there is no answer

Here are a bunch of excerpts from articles I have been reading that might sway you to conclude that all investment managers are bipolar masochists.

Howard Marks

The truth is, almost everything about superior investing is a two edged sword:

  • If you invest, you will lose money if the market declines.
  • If you don’t invest, you will miss out on gains if the market rises.
  • Market timing will add value if it is done right.
  • Buy-and-hold will produce better results if timing can’t be done right.
  • Aggressiveness will help when the market rises but hurt when it falls.
  • Defensiveness will help when the market falls but hurt when it rises.
  • If you concentrate your portfolio, your mistakes will kill you.
  • If you diversify, the payoff from your successes will be diminished.
  • If you employ leverage, your successes will be magnified.
  • If you employ leverage, your mistakes will be magnified.

Source: Dare to be Great II

Cam Hui

Value works. Growth works. Momentum works. Quality works. They just don’t all work at the same time. A combination of these factors work most of the time, but there are times when a single factor is dominant.

You have to be able to recognize the regime shifts and deploy the right combination of models out of your toolkit accordingly.

Source: A quant lesson from a technician

Herb Greenberg

The worst mistakes often come from being too smart for your own good, especially when putting too much trust in your experience, perspective and instincts.

Lessons learnt:

  1. The rules of retail can indeed be broken.
  2. Never count on the insular feeling of superiority of big, lumbering companies to catch a trend.
  3. Don’t overlook the obvious.
  4. As long as a company has a product customers fall head-over-heels for, the economics don’t matter until the growth stops.
  5. Good execution and a charismatic, brilliant CEO trump making money.

Source: My Worst Mistakes

Post-hoc Technical Analysis

Michael Harris over at Price Action Lab:

Saying that “if these levels hold prices will rise and if they do not, prices will fall”, is a statement that confuses event order. Price moves first and then we decide whether some level or indicator was violated. If a level does not hold, it is because price already moved below it or above it. It is not the other way around.
In technical analysis, use of any derivative of price, including support and resistance levels, indicators or patterns, is often useless, unless there is a measure of the probability of some event. Otherwise, just describing these levels is either only stating the facts or it is naive analysis due to ignorance.

Source: Technical Analysts Who Have Their Cake and Eat it Too
