High Beta
High Beta stocks for bull markets

High Beta stocks outperform the market during bull phases. This theme consists of an equally weighted portfolio of high beta stocks.

It is important to remember the story of Icarus: his attempt to escape from Crete by means of wings that his father constructed from feathers and wax. He ignored instructions not to fly too close to the sun, and the melting wax caused him to fall into the sea. So handle this portfolio with care!

This model was created on 2013-Oct-28 and was last updated on 2025-Feb-14

Cumulative Returns
lookback (days) theme nifty 50 midcap 100
{{item.LB === 2147483647 ? 'inception' : item.LB}}
{{numeral(selectedReturnType === 'gross' ? item.MODEL : item.MODEL_BRK).format('+,.00%')}}
risk-free rate: 2.5%; MAR: 0%; benchmark: NIFTY 50
symbol weightage
From Trough To Depth Length To Trough Recovery
{{dd.FROM_DT ? moment(dd.FROM_DT).format('YYYY-MMM-DD') : '-'}} {{dd.TROUGH_DT ? moment(dd.TROUGH_DT).format('YYYY-MMM-DD') : '-'}} {{dd.TO_DT ? moment(dd.TO_DT).format('YYYY-MMM-DD') : '-'}} {{numeral(dd.DEPTH).format('#,0.00%')}} {{dd.LENGTH}} {{dd.TROUGH}} {{dd.RECOVERY}}
Strategy vs. NIFTY 50 and MIDCAP 100
Returns through time
Returns & Portfolio Turnover