Are You Feeling Lucky? The Return on Capital Edition

The markets have corrected a lot over the past couple of weeks. And some of you may be considering jumping in to “buy the dip.” If a plain vanilla index ETF like the Nifty Bees is not your cup of tea, consider these stocks, ranked based on historical Return on Capital (ROC), as the first filter:

COLPAL [stockquote]COLPAL[/stockquote]
ONGC [stockquote]ONGC[/stockquote]
ASIANPAINT [stockquote]ASIANPAINT[/stockquote]
ITC [stockquote]ITC[/stockquote]
ULTRACEMCO [stockquote]ULTRACEMCO[/stockquote]
TTKPRESTIG [stockquote]TTKPRESTIG[/stockquote]
SUNTV [stockquote]SUNTV[/stockquote]
PAGEIND [stockquote]PAGEIND[/stockquote]