How is Money Created?

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The Bank of England has an interesting post on how money is actually created in the modern economy.

Money creation in practice differs from some popular misconceptions — banks do not act simply as intermediaries, lending out deposits that savers place with them, and nor do they ‘multiply up’ central bank money to create new loans and deposits.
In the modern economy, most money takes the form of bank deposits. But how those bank deposits are created is often misunderstood: the principal way is through commercial banks making loans. Whenever a bank makes a loan, it simultaneously creates a matching deposit in the borrower’s bank account, thereby creating new money.


“Commercial banks create money, in the form of bank deposits, by making new loans. When a bank makes a loan, for example to someone taking out a mortgage to buy a house, it does not typically do so by giving them thousands of pounds worth of banknotes. Instead, it credits their bank account with a bank deposit of the size of the mortgage. At that moment, new money is created.”

When loans are paid off, bank credit money (so-called “broad money”) is destroyed. When more loans are being paid off than are being created, money in circulation diminishes.


The accompanying article also explains how Quantitative Easing (QE) works and dispels many of the myths surrounding it.

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