A Traders Guide to StockViz

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A Traders Guide to StockViz

It is always said, that to make money in the market you need to use a simple formula, “buy low and sell high”. Sounds very simple, isn’t it? But is it as simple as it is said?
Well, let me be very frank on this question. It is not a rocket science, but neither is it child’s play. Chartists or technical analysts (as they are also called) are able to locate these highs and lows and can make such trades (Buying low and selling high). With the help of simple numbers / technical values, a few lines and some visual examinations, they can do wonders. Although the ability to perfect it comes with time and practice, one can start trying on a day to day basis and can keep a track of the scrips with the StockViz Portfolio Tool.
The whole vista of technical analysis can’t be explained in a couple of posts so I will divide it into a series of tutorial. And we will delve into all the topics one by one. So here is how we are going to take it forward.

  • Identifying Stocks
  • When to buy?
  • When to sell?

All of the topics will cover one indicator, explanation of the Indicator, and an example from the market to see how it is put into use.
So, starting next session, (Next Thursday) we will look into an indicator used for identifying stocks. We will then see when to buy and when to sell (one indicator each) in the 2 weeks to follow. So, by the end of this month, we will be equipped with one whole set of trading technique in detail.
Hope to see you guys next week onwards!

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